appointments auction badger ball banquet benefit carroll casey muessingmann catered Christmasland church clinic clubs county Covid dinner event fallen familes fire department firemen fish fry foundation fundraiser golf gun range history hospital humboldt county humboldt history Kiwanis live entertainment live music local March 28th match mower museum Noon Kiwanis open house organizations pheasants forever pistol public health raffle supper the voice tournament vaccination
2020 Public Flu Immunization Clinic to be held in Humboldt on the following dates:
Wednesday, October 28th – 2:oo pm – 6:30 pm
Wednesday, November 4th – 2:oo pm – 6:30 pm
Humboldt County Fairgrounds Event Center
Medicare and Insurance companies will be billed. Please bring your Medicare card or Insurance card and your social security number. If yo prefer, you may pay a cash fee. FLU CONSENT FORMS available on-line at www.humboldthospital.org. No appointment necessary. If you have any questions, please call 515-332-2492. This is sponsored by Humboldt County Public Health and Humboldt County Memorial Hospital.
2020 Flu Immunization Flyer_2– CLICK HERE FOR FULL
Parents, bring your kids out for a fun and safe evening of Trunk or Treat!
October 30, 2020 5:30pm-7pm
The event will take place at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church’s parking lot at 1212 Sumner Ave SW in Humboldt.
Sponsored by
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
Faith United Methodist Church
The link below is correct information about the event, except the location. The Blood drive has been moved to the Fellowship Hall at Zion Lutheran Church.
Information about the Larry Sorensen Memorial Blood Drive
Text: LIFESERVE to 999-777 • Call: 800-287-4903 • Visit: lifeservebloodcenter.org
light up a life_2020 CLICK HERE FOR FULL DETAILS
Due to Covid-19 we will not be having an in-person event this year. This year The Humboldt County Hospice Foundation – Hospice Light Up A Life will be virtual on HCMH Face book page. Click on the link above for full details.
Help Us Fill the Ambulance – Wednesday, February 10th from 7am-3pm
Donations may be dropped off at Humboldt County Public Health (located between Surgery Center and Springvale Assisted Living)
If you are a Local business and would like to schedule a pick-up, please call 515-332-2492. Any donations that will not fit in our bus(pallets) need to be taken directly to the food pantry.
Toilet Paper – Shampoo/Conditioner – Laundry Soap – Dish Soap – Tampns/Pads – Deodorant – Any non-food basic essentials – Canned Fruit/Vegetables – Canned Chicken/Ham/Tuna – Instant Potatoes – Hamburger Helper – Peanut Butter/Jelly
PLEASE, no expired items or items with a broken seal. Monetary donations are ALWAYS welcome. If you have any questions contact Marie or Becky with UDMO – 515-332-3631
2021 wellness screening_flyer_feb 25
tHURSDAY, February 25th 6:30-8:30 AM
HCMH Foundation Conference Room (2nd floor)
WELLNESS PROFILE………………………..$25
•Lipid Profile & Blood Sugar includes total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, &
•Currently includes: Hemogram, Blood Sugar, Creatinine, GFR,
Potassium, Calcium, Total Bilirubin, Total Protein, Uric Acid, Cholesterol, HDL, LDL
Calculated, Triglycerides and ALT (Kidney and Liver Function Tests)
•Screen for anemia and infection
CARDIO CRP TEST…………………………$30
•Blood test for systemic inflammation and a predictor for coronary heart disease
•A screen for prostate Cancer that is recommended for men over age 50 or those
with family history
TSH …………………………………………………$35
•A sensitive test for thyroid functions
HEMOGLOBIN A1C ………………………..$25
•Test to screen for Diabetes. Estimation of average
blood sugar levels in the preceding 3-6 months.
HEPATITIS C ANTIBODY………………………………………$25
•Recommended by the CDC for all persons born between 1945-1965 who are at
higher risk of being infected in the 70’s-80’s-90’s with the virus
VITAMIN D TEST…………………………………$65
•Vitamin D is a hormone produced by the skin, carried by the
bloodstream to the liver then processed by the kidneys. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium from the
intestines and promotes bone mineralization. Vitamin D deficiency may lead to a variety of
disorders, such as osteoporosis
BLOOD TYPE ABO type- RH type…….……$20
•A take home kit to detect hidden blood in the stool which is an early warning sign of
colorectal disease
BODY COMPOSITION…………………………………….$15
Body composition, % body fat, hydration status, predicted muscle mass, BMI
• Individuals should be fasting; no solid or liquid food for 12 hours prior to the screening.
Water and medications should be taken in normal amounts.
• Payments due at the time of service; insurance will not be billed.
• Refreshments served.
The Renwick Fire Department will be holding a fish fry fundraiser March 6th with a predetermined snow reschedule date of March 7th if need-be. The event will take place at the Renwick Community Center with a start at 5pm and end at 7pm and will require a free-will donation to enter. Carry-out will be available, though there will also be seating available for those who choose to dine-in. Proceeds from the event will go toward an addition to the fire shed. On the menu is fish, fries and coleslaw.
The Webster County Chapter of Pheasants Forever 36th Annual Banquet will be held on Saturday, March 20th at the Webster County Fairgrounds
south of Fort Dodge. Doors open at 4:30pm with a New York Strip dinner catered by Hy-Vee served at 6:15pm. Numerous games and raffles, including a special youth raffle table, plus Live & Silent Auctions are planned. For additional information on the banquet & tickets contact Jerry Beck, Banquet Chairman at 515-571-7406 or [email protected].