The Wheatland Addition’s replat is complete

By: Donovan W. Mann – [email protected]

Humboldt, IA –The Humboldt City right-of-way in the Wheatland addition has been vacated and the area is replatted.

On Monday, Aug. 3, the Humboldt City Council made the motion to vacate the two areas of city right-of-way in this portion of the city. The two areas include what excited on paper as Risvold Street and Averson Alley.

The action took four different resolutions by council. The first three were to vacate different sections of the former city right-of-ways and grant the land to adjacent property owners. The fourth resolution made by council was to approve the final plat of the replat with all property lines being adjusted as needed based on corporation by the land owners in the area.

As previously reported by KHBT this has been an issue city administration was first made aware of in 2014 and has been working to correct with the property owners. Council approved all resolution unanimously as recommended by city administration.